#IPAGivesBack and Dream of a Better World are teaming up with Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii to collect NEW and "GENTLY USED" Teddy Bears and Stuffed Animals to be shared with children who have been affected by child abuse.
The distressing facts are that nearly 4,000 suspected cases of child abuse are reported each year in Hawaii. And, the emotional and physical pain suffered can often lead to low self esteem, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, crime and wasted lives.

Please bring your new or "gently used" DONATED stuffed animal to one of our three collection sites:
1) #IPAGivesBack - Island Pacific Academy - 909 Haumea Street, Kapolei, HI
2) Na Lio Kai Pony Club - Kawailoa Ranch, HI
3) 68-505 Crozier Drive, Waialua, HI
Or, please deliver your stuffed animal to a DREAM TEAM Member. You will make a difference in the life of a child!